Friday, January 27, 2012

Feeling Adventurous

It seems right now all I keep doing is going "down new paths." Starting this blog a week ago has been incredibly exciting and has helped me learn more about myself/get back to enjoying things that I love--I mean, a girl can't just work, eat, watch TV and sleep; there has to be more. Don't get me wrong--I love my life. I am very happy, but writing is something that I enjoy but have not been keeping up with much now that I am no longer in school. This blog has been a great way to move forward with my life like "an adult." Sometimes I forget that I am one of those, but I am. I turned 25 last September. I will be getting married in the next year or two, and being a "grown-up" now, I would like to share some life experiences before I forget about them--I will be old and senile before I know it. HAHA ok maybe it's not THAT bad, but it seems this most recent birthday has hit me harder than the previous ones. I feel like I need to accomplish more. I feel like I haven't accomplished as much as I thought I would at this age. I feel like I need to remember what it's like to dream and work toward acheiving goals--rather than getting stuck in the "day to day" monotony.

Well, my newest adventure I'm wanting to embark on is becoming a sales consultant for Pampered Chef! I am so very excited. I sat down with a very nice lady that also sells it in this area, and after that conversation, I was even more sure that this is something I want to and can do. I feel like it is attainable and although I work around 50 hours/week at the restuarant I think it is something I can work into my schedule enough to make some extra money on the side. Who doesn't like extra money afterall? It will take some effort to get up and running and to keep it going, but I know that I have lots of friends and family that will LOVE to have the opportunity to purchase such amazing kitchen gadgets, accessories, and spices. Not to mention, I am incredibly excited about the good deals I will be able to take advantage of.

I am looking forward to what the future holds, and I cannot wait to see how great this adventure will be in my life to help better support AJ and myself. I love him so very much for giving me the opportunity to follow whatever makes me happy whether it be a blog, selling pampered chef, wanting donuts in the middle of the night, or going on a vacation. His goal is to make me happy no matter what and I know how blessed I am to have that/him in my life. I hope that all of you can be so lucky to find a man (or woman) that would drop everything just to make you smile, and if you are that lucky, don't take it for granted and show him the same in return. Hope you all have a blessed weekend.

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